The Northland Education & Business Alliance (NEBA) is a network of education and business organizations north of the Missouri River in Kansas City, MO. NEBA works in partnership with the region's economic development professionals to bring awareness of quality education in the Northland to prospective businesses and corporations. NEBA strives to inform local students, educators, and career changers about career opportunities in the Northland. NEBA was formed through the efforts of the Clay County Economic Development Council.

NEBA Members

NEBA is a unique collaboration that includes public, private and faith-based educational entities ranging from pre-school to post secondary education. Businesses across the Manufacturing/Production, Construction, Building & Equipment Maintenance, Logistics, Healthcare, Hospitality/Tourism, Technology, Finance, Marketing, Business, & Sales industries participate in NEBA.

Become a Member

Join us monthly to hear from local experts on workforce and education. Help us host workforce development events to create a stronger Northland economy. Network with Northland leaders to grow your business or strengthen your school partnerships.

Past Events

50+ Industry Professionals share
opportunities across 24 career fields

30+ Industry Professionals share
secrets to success in 6 industry sectors

Visit our YouTube Channel to watch event sessions.


The Northland Education & Business Alliance creates mutually beneficial business and education partnerships that support workforce and economic development.


To be the Northland leader in promoting and providing opportunities for business and education partnerships.


  • Visionary Leadership

  • Stakeholder Focus

  • Relevant Learning

  • Partnerships

  • Connections

  • Collaboration


  • Educational Partners

  • Northland Businesses

  • Students

  • Parents

  • State & Local Entities